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- Cities Interrupted : Visual Culture and Urban Space (2016, Paperback) book PDF, DJV, EPUB


"Cities Interrupted "explores the potential of visual culture in the form of photography, film, performance, architecture, urban design, and mixed media to strategically interrupt processes of globalization in contemporary urban spaces. Looking at cities such as Amsterdam, Beijing, Doha, London, New York, and Paris, the book brings together original essays to reveal how the concept of 'interruption' in global cities enables new understanding of the forms of space, experience, and community that are emerging in today's rapidly transforming urban environments.The idea of 'interruption' addressed in this book refers to deliberate interventions in the spaces and communities of contemporary cities interventions that seek to disrupt or destabilize the experience of everyday urban life through creative practice. Interruption is used as an analytic and conceptual tool to challenge and explore alternatives to the narratives of speed, hyper-mobility, rapid growth, and incessant exchange and flow that have dominated critical thinking on global cities.Bringing art and creative practice into the centre of discussions about the future of cities, alongside discussions of development, design, justice, health, sustainability, technology, and citizenship, this book is essential reading for anyone working at the intersections of a range of urban, cultural and visual fields, including urban studies, urban design and architecture, visual studies, cultural studies, media studies, art history, and social and cultural geography.", Cities Interrupted explores the potential of visual culture - in the form of photography, film, performance, architecture, urban design, and mixed media - to strategically interrupt processes of globalization in contemporary urban spaces. Looking at cities such as Amsterdam, Beijing, Doha, London, New York, and Paris, the book brings together original essays to reveal how the concept of 'interruption' in global cities enables new understanding of the forms of space, experience, and community that are emerging in today's rapidly transforming urban environments. The idea of 'interruption' addressed in this book refers to deliberate interventions in the spaces and communities of contemporary cities - interventions that seek to disrupt or destabilize the experience of everyday urban life through creative practice. Interruption is used as an analytic and conceptual tool to challenge - and explore alternatives to - the narratives of speed, hyper-mobility, rapid growth, and incessant exchange and flow that have dominated critical thinking on global cities. Bringing art and creative practice into the centre of discussions about the future of cities, alongside discussions of development, design, justice, health, sustainability, technology, and citizenship, this book is essential reading for anyone working at the intersections of a range of urban, cultural and visual fields, including urban studies, urban design and architecture, visual studies, cultural studies, media studies, art history, and social and cultural geography., Cities Interrupted explores the potential of visual culture ? in the form of photography, film, performance, architecture, urban design, and mixed media ? to strategically interrupt processes of globalization in contemporary urban spaces. Looking at cities such as Amsterdam, Beijing, Doha, London, New York, and Paris, the book brings together original essays to reveal how the concept of 'interruption' in global cities enables new understanding of the forms of space, experience, and community that are emerging in today's rapidly transforming urban environments. The idea of 'interruption' addressed in this book refers to deliberate interventions in the spaces and communities of contemporary cities ? interventions that seek to disrupt or destabilize the experience of everyday urban life through creative practice. Interruption is used as an analytic and conceptual tool to challenge ? and explore alternatives to ? the narratives of speed, hyper-mobility, rapid growth, and incessant exchange and flow that have dominated critical thinking on global cities. Bringing art and creative practice into the centre of discussions about the future of cities, alongside discussions of development, design, justice, health, sustainability, technology, and citizenship, this book is essential reading for anyone working at the intersections of a range of urban, cultural and visual fields, including urban studies, urban design and architecture, visual studies, cultural studies, media studies, art history, and social and cultural geography.

Book Cities Interrupted : Visual Culture and Urban Space (2016, Paperback) by in EPUB, MOBI, DOC

Readers will gain fresh perspectives on how to study, build, and manage cities in innovative and sustainable ways.The Farm of the Future might be your neighbor's suburban lawn, the roof of your uptown condominium, or the co-op market garden in the vacant lot down the street.The result is what he terms "policy churn," which distracts teachers and principals from efforts to refine classroom teaching while seldom resulting in successful long-term changes.The teams shed light on the opportunities and predicaments of a great historic city undergoing rapid growth and development and offered some brilliant design strategies.However, the volume will be of most interest for Latin Americanists who do not read Spanish or Portuguese, and would like to know more about the region, the problems and the views, from the perspective of an insider with extended knowledge of the field., Public Space in Informal Settlements: The Barrios of Bogota contributes to the debate on informal settlements by viewing them as an opportunity to understand different ways of seeing and thinking about the city.Metrolingualism: Language in the City is an invaluable look at how people of different linguistic backgrounds get by linguistically, and will be of interest to postgraduate students and researchers of sociolinguistics., In their new book, Pennycook and Otsuji introduce the notion of 'metrolingualism': the use of language in urban contexts by people of differing linguistic backgrounds.The authors have been carefully selected globally from the large number of academics and consultants now engaged in wind farm studies, for their influential contribution to the science.And nowhere are those remedies more needed and desired than in our cities.In this sophisticated, pioneering study of Brasilia from its inception in 1957 to the present, James Holston analyzes this attempt to change society by building a new kind of city and the ways in which the paradoxes of constructing an imagined future subvert its utopian premises.Full of practical information, as well as inspiring stories from people already living the urban homesteading life, this colorful guide gives a clear understanding of the lifestyle to any reader.There are signs of new developments and paradigm shifts but these have to be strengthened to lay the ground for rural-urban resilience.From 1949 to today, China has experienced dramatic changes in its economy and urban development.This book will be suitable for use on upper lever undergraduate and postgraduate courses on China's development, Chinese geography and urban China, as well as related courses in geography, sociology, urban planning, anthropology, urban studies, international development, area studies, policy studies and political science.Despite its international significance, Madrid has been almost entirely ignored by urban, literary and cultural studies published in English.Beautiful color photos showcase the park's best destinations .