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Read ebook From the Flight Deck : Plane Talk and Sky Science MOBI


Imagine you're sitting next to a pilot on a flight and he's eager to answer all those nagging questions you have about air travel. Are those bumps and noises normal? Why are some take-offs delayed? What happens if there's a storm? How does this plane stay in the air, anyway? In From the Flight Deck: Plane Talk and Sky Science, pilot, meteorologist, and flight-school instructor Doug Morris lets you take the window seat on a trip around the world, giving you the scoop on everything from take-off to landing. He explains what you see looking out the window, what that window is made of, and how the plane is kept in rigorous flying condition. Perfect for informing the aviation enthusiast and calming the fearful flier, From the Flight Deck tells you everything you want to know about commercial airline travel: the physics of flight, how airplanes work and what they're made of, how pilots are trained, route planning and the importance of the ground crew, turbulence, flying in storms, what the flight crew gets up to on layovers, and much more. With facts, trivia, humour, and illuminating photos throughout, From the Flight Deck is the ultimate flight companion., Nominated for the Astrid Lindgren Prize Johnny's daddy has smooth cheeks, an apple in his throat and sounds like a mom when he sings in the bath. At other times a cactus grows out of his chin and his breath smells like cauliflower. At times he has warm hands and his fingers taste like applesauce. Other times his hands are cold and flash like lightning, and he becomes a thunder daddy. When this happens Johnny wants to find a new daddy, but he eventually realizes that thunder daddies don't last forever. And that there's nothing like the comfort that comes from those we love. Klaas Verplancke's story, with its humorous, energetic and imaginative illustrations, will strike a chord with many young children and parents as they discover that love sometimes means setting limits, and that people do get angry, but that where there is love, it doesn't last., Perfect for informing the aviation enthusiast and calming the fearful flier, this insightful glimpse into the world of commercial airline travel explains all of the topics any passenger would want to know about flying. With a unique insider's perspective, a broad range of flight-related topics--including the physics of flight, how airplanes work and what they're made of, and how pilots are trained--are discussed at length in this account. Blending facts, trivia, and humor, this ultimate flight companion provides up-to-date, accurate information about the science of aviation., The ultimate flying companion, perfect for informing the aviation enthusiast and calming the fearful flier. From the Flight Deck explains everthing a reader could want to know about commercial airling travel: the physics of flight, how airplanes work and what they're made of, how pilots are trained, route planning and the importance of the ground crew.

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